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• 交泰殿 = Hall of Union (Jiaotai dian)

• 中圆殿 = the Hall of Central Perfection (Zhongyuan dian)

• 《周易》 = the Book of Changes (I Ching or Yi Jing) 

• 意为 = refer to

• 天地相交,阴阳协和 = the union of heaver and earth and harmony between yin and yang

• 乾清宫 = the Palace of Heavenly Purity

• 坤宁宫 = the Palace of Earthly Tranquility

• 形式与……略同 = of similar design to that…

• 临摹 = in imitation of

• ……的御笔 = in calligraphy by…

• “无为” = "non-action"(wu wei, a key Daoist principle)

• 计时器铜壶滴漏 = a copper clepsydra (a water clock used in imperial China)

• 接受朝贺 = receive homage

• 冬至 = the winter solstice

• 象征皇权的二十五玺 = the 25 imperial seals symbolizing his power


• 殿平面呈方形,上置铜镀金宝顶,形式与中和殿略同。殿内正中设宝座,宝座后上悬乾隆皇帝临摹康熙皇帝御笔“无为”匾,下设乾隆御制《交泰殿铭》屏。左侧为中国古代计时器铜壶滴漏,右侧为大自鸣钟。

• With a square floor plan, the Hall of Union features a gift bronze finial on the roof, of similar design to that at the Hall of Central Harmony. In the centre of the hall is a throne, and a tablet inscribed with "non-action"(wu wei, a key Daoist principle), in calligraphy by the Qianlong Emperor in imitation of the Kangxi Emperor's handwriting, hangs above the behind it. Directly beneath the tablet is a screen bearing the Ode to the Hall of Union, composed by the Qianlong Emperor. To the left is a copper clepsydra (a water clock used in imperial China), and to the right is a large striking clock.

• 这一段室内方位的描写,复杂却又条理清晰。从始至终,每一句的主语均是交泰殿。第一句,殿的平面构造以“with+… ”作为复合结构前置,后引出本句主语“交泰殿”,后接第一个物品描写“铜镀金宝顶”(在殿内上方)。接下来就到了殿中的“宝座”以及宝座后悬挂的“牌匾”、牌匾下的屏风,则本句译句的主干就凸显出来了,“In the centre of the hall is a throne, and a tablet hangs above the behind it. Directly beneath the tablet is a screen”。最后到了交泰殿左右两侧的物件——铜壶滴漏和大自鸣钟,用了相似的单句句型来分别描写,中间以连接词 and 相连,“To the left is , and to the right is”。
